Critical Conversations in Education

Critical Conversations in Education is one of many initiatives from the college to advance our diversity statement and work toward our goals of diversity, equity, and inclusion. The Critical Conversations in Education series is designed to spark candid and uncomfortable examinations of educational institutions and practices to disrupt system barriers and promote environments in which all have opportunities to optimize success. The Series was launched in 2020 by Dean Tammi Dice.

Now moving into its third year, the 2022-2023 lecture series will be led by DCEPS' Department Teaching & Learning, and will be focused on issues explore topics such as Critical Race Theory and Inclusive education practices for BIPOC individuals, challenged books, and creating safe spaces for those identifying as LGBTQIA+.

Current Series

Each podcast episode, we'll explore topics such as Critical Race Theory and Inclusive education practices for BIPOC individuals, challenged books, and creating safe spaces for those identifying as LGBTQIA+.

Past Series